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SPAR24 Round 2
Thanks everyone for competing in the SPAR Round 2 and congratulations to 827MDEL (UNSW, 1st) and DC(ANU, 2nd) for completing 5/6 of the problems. SPAR Round 3 is just a week away and is another sprint. It was great to see 4 different universities at the top of the scoreboard, and 90 teams with a…
SPAR 2 this Wednesday
The Next SPAR contest is a sprint, running for 90 minutes from 5.15pm to 6.45pm AEDT on March 20. The problem set will be shorter, so get a team together for quick fire problem solving. There will be another sprint the same time the following week.
SPAR 1 Debrief
Ryan Ong, Kyle Zhang and Freddie Lu of UNSW CPMSoc held a debrief session after Saturday’s contest to discuss the solutions. You can find the recording on our YouTube channel.
Thanks to all the people who came to the first SPAR contest for 2024. It was great to see more than 100 teams solving problems. Congratulations to sushipizza (UNSW), DC (ANU) and RuntimeTerror for solving the full set. Full set of results are at
2024 SPAR Flyer
Thanks to Larissa Yip from UNSW we have a flyer for the 2024 SPAR contests. Please share these in your institution and encourage people to compete. The first contest is this Saturday! Just register your team on the Contest server to compete.