ICPC Preliminaries 2023 (Level B) preliminary results - not final

rank team score A B C D E F G H I J K L
1 AUS Level B Participants MooChirpMrrp The University of New South Wales 9 1033
50 2 tries
12 1 try
97 1 try
38 1 try
83 1 try
293 7 tries
  5 tries
66 1 try
127 2 tries
107 1 try
2 AUS Code Runnings The University of Melbourne 9 1155
22 1 try
40 1 try
103 1 try
90 1 try
140 1 try
  2 tries
257 1 try
170 3 tries
215 1 try
78 1 try
3 AUS Popipo Monash University 9 1820
153 1 try
63 3 tries
101 1 try
216 1 try
299 5 tries
141 1 try
202 2 tries
278 4 tries
167 1 try
4 AUS Not Even Trie-ing The University of New South Wales 8 1005
85 1 try
55 1 try
26 1 try
59 2 tries
199 2 tries
175 3 tries
221 1 try
105 1 try
5 AUS chicken extinction The University of New South Wales 8 1136
40 1 try
25 1 try
166 1 try
153 1 try
280 2 tries
131 2 tries
104 2 tries
  6 tries
177 1 try
6 AUS UNSW Taipans The University of New South Wales 8 1203
38 1 try
63 1 try
110 2 tries
51 1 try
237 7 tries
  6 tries
142 1 try
291 3 tries
91 1 try
7 AUS Yes I was in the chess club The University of New South Wales 7 1165
16 1 try
28 1 try
43 1 try
295 1 try
  1 try
199 5 tries
272 3 tries
192 1 try
8 AUS Suparo The University of New South Wales 6 542
61 2 tries
18 1 try
57 1 try
162 1 try
83 1 try
  4 tries
141 1 try
9 AUS HuGazXShekA The University of New South Wales 6 559
19 1 try
253 1 try
15 1 try
67 1 try
  5 tries
  1 try
  5 tries
34 1 try
151 2 tries
10 AUS The Shared Braincell Macquarie University 6 685
93 1 try
146 1 try
43 1 try
69 1 try
  2 tries
  2 tries
  3 tries
150 2 tries
  1 try
164 1 try
11 AUS GENSHIN START! The University of Sydney 6 784
35 1 try
47 1 try
95 1 try
  2 tries
  2 tries
152 2 tries
223 1 try
212 1 try
12 AUS UNSW Platypuses The University of New South Wales 6 851
39 1 try
81 1 try
126 1 try
248 1 try
  2 tries
  1 try
202 1 try
  1 try
155 1 try
13 AUS Noobs The University of New South Wales 6 985
72 3 tries
29 1 try
118 1 try
171 1 try
263 3 tries
252 1 try
14 AUS UNSW Bandicoots The University of New South Wales 6 1010
127 2 tries
58 1 try
160 1 try
263 1 try
  1 try
  8 tries
111 6 tries
  3 tries
171 1 try
15 AUS GCC01 Griffith University 6 1156
  1 try
34 1 try
231 1 try
88 3 tries
172 6 tries
277 2 tries
194 1 try
16 AUS Team Normo The University of New South Wales 6 1282
52 2 tries
75 1 try
289 1 try
208 3 tries
267 9 tries
  9 tries
171 1 try
17 AUS O(no) The University of New South Wales 5 666
58 1 try
42 3 tries
168 1 try
  4 tries
  5 tries
209 2 tries
  2 tries
129 1 try
18 AUS GAMCON The University of New South Wales 5 733
37 2 tries
52 1 try
107 3 tries
164 4 tries
233 2 tries
19 AUS Macquarie University The University of New South Wales 5 894
158 2 tries
51 2 tries
102 1 try
220 3 tries
283 1 try
20 AUS adlv The University of Sydney 5 911
215 1 try
203 4 tries
75 1 try
140 3 tries
  1 try
178 1 try
21 AUS unsw noobs The University of New South Wales 5 1000
89 3 tries
136 1 try
174 1 try
236 4 tries
265 1 try
22 AUS Now you C me The University of New South Wales 4 293
30 1 try
57 1 try
87 1 try
119 1 try
  2 tries
  2 tries
  4 tries
23 AUS dddd The University of New South Wales 4 556
66 1 try
100 1 try
121 1 try
  4 tries
  1 try
269 1 try
24 AUS UNSW Cassowaries The University of New South Wales 4 639
122 1 try
174 1 try
58 1 try
  1 try
  3 tries
  1 try
285 1 try
25 AUS B Team The University of New South Wales 4 737
84 2 tries
95 1 try
155 1 try
  3 tries
  2 tries
283 6 tries
26 AUS UNSW Goannas The University of New South Wales 4 759
120 1 try
95 1 try
  1 try
280 2 tries
244 1 try
27 AUS GCC03 Griffith University 4 862
75 1 try
119 1 try
  4 tries
277 6 tries
  4 tries
271 2 tries
28 AUS UNSW Quokkas The University of New South Wales 4 877
174 4 tries
166 1 try
204 1 try
253 2 tries
29 AUS Feiyun Commerce Guild The University of New South Wales 4 1153
161 6 tries
84 1 try
270 1 try
238 16 tries
  3 tries
30 AUS Non-deterministic Finite Coder The University of Sydney 3 314
77 1 try
139 1 try
  6 tries
  4 tries
98 1 try
31 AUS Team Niimpi The University of New South Wales 3 464
168 1 try
98 1 try
178 2 tries
  1 try
  1 try
32 AUS Pro Grammars The University of New South Wales 3 475
108 1 try
157 1 try
190 2 tries
  6 tries
33 AUS felixRep The University of New South Wales 3 477
50 1 try
141 1 try
  1 try
286 1 try
34 AUS Mars Commander and the Curly Narrabeans The University of New South Wales 3 513
  3 tries
100 1 try
151 1 try
  2 tries
262 1 try
35 AUS ANYTHING The University of New South Wales 3 514
  1 try
  1 try
83 1 try
115 1 try
  1 try
  2 tries
296 2 tries
36 AUS UNSW Potoroos The University of New South Wales 3 536
  5 tries
137 1 try
185 1 try
214 1 try
37 AUS scratch The University of New South Wales 3 556
167 1 try
241 2 tries
128 1 try
  7 tries
  2 tries
38 AUS O(n!) The University of New South Wales 3 579
156 2 tries
  1 try
186 1 try
197 2 tries
  1 try
  6 tries
  2 tries
  2 tries
39 AUS UNSW Possums The University of New South Wales 3 613
111 1 try
211 1 try
291 1 try
40 AUS DFS The University of New South Wales 3 631
151 3 tries
183 1 try
257 1 try
  1 try
41 AUS Junee The University of New South Wales 3 641
  1 try
107 9 tries
214 1 try
140 2 tries
  3 tries
  1 try
42 AUS GCC02 Griffith University 3 645
212 2 tries
151 1 try
262 1 try
  6 tries
  5 tries
43 AUS Beans on toast The University of New South Wales 3 670
297 2 tries
222 1 try
131 1 try
44 AUS Hello World The University of New South Wales 3 675
107 1 try
294 2 tries
  3 tries
254 1 try
45 AUS UNSW Kookaburras The University of New South Wales 2 208
  2 tries
77 1 try
131 1 try
46 AUS chatBoys The University of New South Wales 2 223
  4 tries
102 1 try
101 2 tries
  7 tries
  2 tries
47 AUS los pollos hermanos The University of New South Wales 2 257
  1 try
81 1 try
176 1 try
  3 tries
  2 tries
  1 try
48 AUS i got nothing The University of New South Wales 2 275
122 1 try
  1 try
  1 try
153 1 try
49 AUS GCC04 Griffith University 2 293
82 3 tries
171 1 try
50 FJI DoesAnyNameWork? The University of the South Pacific 2 316
113 4 tries
  1 try
123 2 tries
  1 try
  1 try
  2 tries
  1 try
  1 try
  2 tries
  1 try
  1 try
51 AUS Academic Honesty The University of Sydney 2 366
  1 try
76 1 try
  2 tries
  2 tries
270 2 tries
52 AUS UNSW Koalas The University of New South Wales 2 417
81 6 tries
  1 try
236 1 try
53 AUS Heap Overflow The University of New South Wales 2 445
217 1 try
228 1 try
54 AUS Spongebob The University of Western Australia 2 543
219 3 tries
284 1 try
55 AUS nerds The University of New South Wales 1 65
  2 tries
65 1 try
56 AUS Alpha One Andys The University of New South Wales 1 76
76 1 try
57 AUS down_to_earth The University of New South Wales 1 78
78 1 try
  7 tries
  2 tries
  3 tries
58 AUS Active Thinkers The University of New South Wales 1 148
148 1 try
59 AUS dcc-help The University of New South Wales 1 209
  1 try
209 1 try
60 AUS ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException Macquarie University 0 0
  1 try
  3 tries
AUS boinkboink The University of New South Wales 0 0
AUS Cannon Fodder The University of Sydney 0 0
  5 tries
AUS Chicken The University of New South Wales 0 0
AUS Chole Bhature The University of New South Wales 0 0
  2 tries
  1 try
AUS Crikey The University of New South Wales 0 0
AUS dcc > gcc The University of New South Wales 0 0
  2 tries
AUS ezpzjapaneze The University of New South Wales 0 0
AUS Fe&Cu The University of New South Wales 0 0
AUS GCC05 Griffith University 0 0
  1 try
  4 tries
  1 try
AUS ICT The University of New South Wales 0 0
NZL Imagine The University of Auckland 0 0
AUS jungkook's socks The University of New South Wales 0 0
AUS pwinteff(*scanf(int pls)"): The University of New South Wales 0 0
AUS Smart Hats The University of New South Wales 0 0
AUS Super seacows The University of New South Wales 0 0
  3 tries
  1 try
AUS UNSW Kangaroos The University of New South Wales 0 0
  1 try
AUS UNSW Quolls The University of New South Wales 0 0
Summary 239 35
1 AUS Level B Unofficial TheAlgoPeople The University of New South Wales 6 783
123 1 try
20 1 try
143 1 try
44 1 try
223 2 tries
  3 tries
210 1 try
2 AUS Food bar James Ruse Agricultural High School 5 770
203 2 tries
47 1 try
64 1 try
239 3 tries
  5 tries
  4 tries
  1 try
157 1 try
3 AUS Golden Zebras Christ Church Grammar School 5 1028
28 1 try
140 5 tries
130 2 tries
  2 tries
265 8 tries
225 1 try
4 AUS TheBig3 The University of Adelaide 4 544
53 2 tries
82 1 try
129 1 try
  4 tries
240 2 tries
5 NZL Triple Threat The University of Auckland 3 493
73 1 try
238 1 try
182 1 try
6 AUS Yellow Keys The University of New South Wales 3 635
295 1 try
57 1 try
  1 try
243 3 tries
7 AUS jax The University of New South Wales 2 264
105 1 try
  1 try
159 1 try
8 AUS XD The University of New South Wales 2 266
112 1 try
154 1 try
  2 tries
9 AUS 3SAP The University of New South Wales 1 123
123 1 try
10 AUS Dream Rover Sydney Robotics Academy 0 0
AUS Feature not bug The University of New South Wales 0 0
NZL NA The University of Auckland 0 0
NZL Tomcats Waimea College 0 0
AUS UNSW Lyrebirds The University of New South Wales 0 0
  1 try
AUS UNSW Numbats The University of New South Wales 0 0
PNG WPU 1 Western Pacific University 0 0
PNG WPU 2 Western Pacific University 0 0
Summary 31 7

Level B Participants
Level B Unofficial
Cell colours
Solved first
Tried, incorrect
Tried, pending

Last Update: Mon 29 Jan 2024 14:22:49 AEDT
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