Authenticator |
Authenticator represents an implementation of an HTTP authentication
Authenticator.Result |
Base class for return type from authenticate() method
Filter |
A filter used to pre- and post-process incoming requests.
Filter.Chain |
a chain of filters associated with a HttpServer.
Headers |
HTTP request and response headers are represented by this class which implements
the interface
Map < String , List
< String >>.
HttpContext |
HttpContext represents a mapping between the root URI path of an application
to a HttpHandler which is invoked to handle requests destined
for that path on the associated HttpServer or HttpsServer.
HttpExchange |
This class encapsulates a HTTP request received and a
response to be generated in one exchange.
HttpHandler |
A handler which is invoked to process HTTP exchanges.
HttpPrincipal |
Represents a user authenticated by HTTP Basic or Digest
HttpsConfigurator |
This class is used to configure the https parameters for each incoming
https connection on a HttpsServer.
HttpServer |
This class implements a simple HTTP server.
HttpsParameters |
Represents the set of parameters for each https
connection negotiated with clients.
HttpsServer |
This class is an extension of HttpServer which provides
support for HTTPS.