Congratulations to teams from UNSW Sydney and the University of Melbourne on their great performance at the 46th and 47th ICPC World Finals!
In the 46th World Finals, UNSW Sydney came =26th (6 problems solved), while University of Melbourne came =61st (5 problems solved).
In the 47th World Finals (held simultaneously), UNSW Sydney came =22nd and University of Melbourne received an honourable mention with 3 problems solved.
You can view the scoreboards (46, 47) and problem sets (46, 47) online.

Well done to all contestants, UNSW Sydney Coach Raveen de Silva and University of Melbourne Coach Junhao Gan.
Both teams from the 46th World Finals are now ‘retired’, having competed in two World Finals and/or graduated.
UNSW’s team for the 47th World Finals will compete again at the 48th World Finals this September in Astana, where they will be joined by a team from the Australian National University. The University of Melbourne team will compete again in the 24/25 season of South Pacific ICPC qualifying, and this experience will surely help them achieve another top placement.