Category: Uncategorized

  • SPAR 1 This Weekend!

    The first SPAR of the year is running on March 8, starting at 12 noon AEDT. SPAR (South Pacific Algorithmic Rounds) (formerly ANZAC) is a series of practice contests for the ICPC, and you can self register and complete in a team of up to three people. The problem set will be available through the…

  • IMC Programming Contest Wrap

    Thanks to Everyone who participated in the first IMC Programming Contest. More than 250 high school and university students competed on the day, and a challenging problem set kept everyone busy for 3 hours.  Congratulations to Anatol Coen and Nathan Zhou who solved the entire set! You can find the final scoreboard at Thank you…

  • IMC Contest Tomorrow!

    The IMC Programming Contest is running tomorrow from 12 noon AEDT. You can follow the scoreboard at (and even register an unofficial account to try the problems yourself, shortly after the contest has started) With more than 600 students registered this is one of the biggest contests we have ever had. Massive thank you…

  • IMC Prize Pool up to $10,000 AUD

    IMC has generously increased the prize pool for the IMC Programming Contest to $10,000! Registrations close on Friday, February 7, and the preliminary on site contest on February 15 will select the top 20 contestants to compete for prizes in Sydney in May. More information at IMC Programming Contest.

  • IMC Contest Updates

    Hi all, planning is going well for the inaugural IMC programming contest to be held next month. We have confirmed sites in Perth, Adelaide, Melbourne, Canberra, UNSW Sydney, Brisbane, Auckland, Christchurch and Dunedin. We need a second site in Sydney (please email if you know a potential site coordinator at USyd or Macquarie). Registrations…